Sperm Count Test Kit (Sperm OK by Artron)

  • How accurate is the Sperm OK Sperm Count Test Kit?

    When compared with laboratory tests, this home sperm test is over 95% accurate. To ensure optimal accuracy, collect your semen sample between 48 hours and seven days after your last ejaculation.
  • What does a negative test result mean?

    When this sperm test reveals a negative result, it means that your sperm concentration is below 15 million sperm per millilitre. This translates into a higher possibility of infertility, but keep in mind that your sperm concentration varies from day to day. Perform another test or speak with your...
  • What does a positive test result mean?

    Receiving a positive result from this at home sperm test means that your sperm concentration is at least 15 million sperm per millilitre. It indicates a higher possibility of fertility, but you and your partner should both undergo further fertility evaluations for a full peace of mind.
  • Why are there no lines appearing on the results window of the test device?

    If no lines appear within 3-5 minutes after the semen-solution mixture was added to the sample well, it means that the test is invalid. Any results that appear before or after this period of time should be disregarded.
  • What can cause errors in the test result?

    Your results for the Sperm OK Sperm Count Test Kit can be affected by physical illness, illegal substance use, or even using a condom, lubricants, or lotions when collecting your semen sample.